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About Us

CYO Mission Statement

CYO Sports is one component of our parish's comprehensive youth ministry program which enables the partnership of parents, coaches, priests, religious, teachers, and adult leaders to manage and support a sports program that allows youth to grow in their relationship with God and come to better understand themselves and the Catholic Faith.

  • Employs healthy and enjoyable competition to promote the sharing of gospel values among athletes, parents and coaches
  • Assists parish leadership in nourishing the emotional, spiritual, social, and physical needs of young people
  • Encourages our youth to appreciate the gifts they possess, and challenges them to share these gifts with their community
  • Allows youth to witness the life of Christian Discipleship in their coaches and adult leaders
  • Encourages youth to become responsible members of their faith community

CYO Prayer For Sportsmanship

Dear God, Every single day no matter what sport we play we keep Your heart Within us from the start. In the CYO No one is treated as a foe so if we win or lose we always stick together forever and ever. Amen

Students are encouraged to take part in the many activities that St. Anastasia CYO Parish offers.

Registration Information

Eligibility, Registration, Fees